Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Butterfly Project

In the butterfly project we were givin blank sheets of paper with butterfly outlines on them. Our task was to color them in to make them camouflage with something in the room. Then we had to hind them where they would camouflage. After that another teacher would come into the room and look for them. In the first round the lights were on. In the second round the lights were off. In the third round we put them where they wouldn't camouflage well. Then the fourth round was the same as the first. This was a very fun project and by far my most favorite. It really showed me how important camouflaging can be. Whether you are in war or hiding yourself from a pedator this is an extremly important quality to have.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Symbiosis: Good, Bad or Both

What is Symbiosis? Symbiosis is the relationship between two living organisms. There are three different types of Symbiosis. They are Parasitism, Mutualism, and Commensalism. Parasitism is the relationship where one benifits and the other is harmed or hurt. Mutualism is the relantioship in which both the creatures benifit. Commensalism is the relationship where one creature benifits and the other is not harmed. Did you know that nematodes are able to kill harmful parasites with parts of their insides that we didn't know that they had.http//www.Sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/09/080921162235.htm. Did you also know that you have mites on your body that are in commensalism with you. They eat your skin so they benifit and we don't get harmed from them. I personaly think that Symbiosis is like meeting a friend at the park. I'm saying this only because I learned that Symbiosis is a relationship between two living organisms.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A govenors palace was found in Turkey

There were four archaeologists lead by Dr. Dirk Wicke were in the middle of an international rescue exavation project in Turkey, and found parts of an old govenors palace. They said that it must be a palace from around the 9th to 7th centry B.C. It took them about two months to discover the ruins on a Ziyaret Tepe. That is the type of design that the palace was. I think that it is pretty cool that the people found a Neo Assyian govenor palace. They even said that it was an extraordinary discovery. I couldn't agree more with them about how cool it is. That is pretty cool of them to find a palace.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How a lack of vitamin D can cause Parkinson's disease

Did you know that a lack in vitamin D may lead to Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease is a disease that makes it so that you can't stop shaking. This is a very serious disease. Between the years of 1992, and 2007 100 of the elderly with Parkinson's, Alzheimers, and perfect health were examined to see if their disease may have been started by a vitamin D deficiency. The studies clearly showed that 23% of the people with Parkinson's disease had it, 16% Alzheimers, 10%, perfect health. I personally think that this data had to be worth the time, and effert because with this information we might be able to find a cure to Parkinson's disease once, and for all.
