Thursday, February 26, 2009

Newtons three laws of motion

Have you ever wondered why in space you can throw something, and it will going but on earth you throw something, and it hits the ground at some point in time?Well this is because of Sir Isaac Newton's three laws of motion. Newton's first law is "Every object in it's state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line well remain in it's current state unless it is effected by an exteral force." This force is mostly going to be gravity, and friction. Newton's second law of motion is "Force is equal to the change in momentum (mV) per change in time. For a constent mass, force equals mass times acceleration." F=m*a. This means that the force is determined by the speed, and the mass. Newton's third law of motion is "For every action there is an opposite reaction." This means if you are stepping off of a boat you might go to the left while the boat is going to the right. I for one find this to be fasinating because I never knew that if I jumped up the earth would move in , and make a dent while we both touch eachother at the same time. Thank you Miss R. for teaching me about Newton's three laws of motion. For more imformation please go to Stay tuned for another killer blog from Freezyman. Bye.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bomb hits tourists at bazaar in Cairo

On Sunday February 22 a bomb blew up during a well-known bazaar in medevil Cairo. Reporters say that this bomb killed a Frenchwoman, and wounded many, many more. They said at least 17 people, mostly tourists were killed or wounded. If you thought that one one bomb was a lot than you will never believe this. An hour after the first bomb police found a second one. Luckily, this was detonated, and nobody was hurt. All of the wound ed were quickly taken to a hospital. That Frencewoman that died had died from her wounds in the ICU. The bazaar was the Khan el-Khalili. Apparintly, this bazaar is always filled with tourists. Last time the Khan el-Khalili was disturbed by a bomb was in April 2005. This blast outside of a cafe scared the people inside of a Hussein mosque. Eleven Frence, Three Germen, and Four Egyptians were wounded. You should go on to if you thought that this was interesting. Stay tuned for another one of Freezyman 's killer blogs.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

And you thought steriods were weird

A research team from Massachusetts Institute of technology found one of the oldest fossils ever. Scientists researched this rock and found many streriods from 635 million years ago. Maybe even longer. These steriods were produced or created by sponges. Sponges are one of or the simplist milticellular organisms. Many are in a quandary about if the fossil was proof that the sponges and multicellular organisms lived 100 years before the Cambrain Explosion. They say that this discovery can tell us how the planets first ecosystem was and how the animals evolved through time.I think that this is fasinating that we can find out what our past was about and how it may even tell us about our future.For more information please go to Thank you and stay tuned for another killer blog from Freezyman.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Did you know that Gibbons P.C. was a fostering company? On january1, 2009 the New Jersey district court placed new rules to make New Jersey the "go to" state. These new rules are more varified than those of California, and Texas. This company is in New Wark, New Jersey. These are the rules. "Each claim of each patent in suit that is allegedly infringed including the applicable statutory subsections 35 of USC, 271 asserted." "The indintification of defedents" "Accused instumentality." " A chart idintifying where each limitation of each asserted claim is found in each" "Accused instumentality." " Whether the alleged infringement is literal or under thedoctrine of equivlents." " The priority date to which each asserted claim allegedly is entitled." " The basis for any willful infringement claims." For more information please go to Year=2009&EntryNo=9368. Thank you, and stay tuned for my next killer blog.