Friday, January 23, 2009

ULtraviolet rays

In science class we made posters on the Electromagnetic Spectrum. I was assigned to study ultraviolet rays. These rays or waves are used in many ways. They even come from the sun you can get a tan. One thing that they can do for you is Detect fake money. Another thing that they can do for you is help you get a tan. They even have special lamps which can be used to kill microbes and mosquito's. You can't see ultraviolet because like infrared it is the next color on the violet side of a rainbow. Even though we can't see this, we know that this exsists we know that some insects, for example, bumblebees can see this.Ultraviolet is divied into three regions. One is the neare ultraviolet. One is the far ultraviolet. One is the extreme ultraviolet.These regions were made because of their radiation. Near ultraviolet is the closest to the order of visable light. Far ultraviolet is the least explored, and is in between the near, and the extreme ultraviolet rays.Last is extreme, and this is the farthest away from the rainbow, and closest to x-rays.Please go to to learn more about these ultraviolet rays, and what they do.

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