Thursday, May 28, 2009


What is plasticity? Plasticity is what the mantle is. The mantle is the layer of the earth that the crust on top of. Plasticity allows the solid to become a liquid if there is no heat, and pressure. This can be made out of corn starch and water. If you want to you can also do is add food coloring. Then what you do is mix the ingredents, and then you have an example of the earth's mantle. This is what I did in school one day. The best part of this was sticking my hands in the mix, and when you clean off the mixture your hands feel so smooth. Any way back to the plasticity. When you stick your hands in the mixture you try to make a ball, and then you can see the solid turn into a liquid in less than a second. This is some thing that you should try at home because it is a lot of fun, and it's educational as well as easy to do. Well that's all for today and remember to stay tuned in for another one of my famous blogs. Bye-Bye.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Blue October

Last week I watched a movie called Blue October. Now before I talk about the features of this movie I would just like to say, this is the second best movie I've seen in three years. The first thing I'd like to say is this movie takes place in 1958 and in West Virginia. That is what makes this true story even cooler. Homer shows some amazing scientific stuff like rockets, and things on the pireatic table. Now not only is this pretty cool. It is also very good for that have certain traits. Some of these traits are cooparation, assertion, responsibility, respect, empathy, and integrity. The way Homer showed cooraparation is by building a rocket ship with his team of nerds. He also showed responsibility, respect, and integrity the same way as he did cooparation. He showed assertion by standing up to his dad for what he believed in which was building rocket ships. His father showed empathy because he thought that his son was crazy, and felt bad for his son Homer. That is the way Blue October showed many good traits, and how it was a very scientific movie.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Responce to Patau Syndrome Blog This is where I found out the genetic disorder that is Patau's Syndrome. If someone has this disorder they probably won't live to be two. With this disorder a fetes is created with an extra copy of chromosome 13. That means that instead of two copies there would be three. As well as just the extra chromosome there is pretty much everything wrong with them. You can probably imagine the mortality rate would be pretty high. Then you would be right because the mortality rate of Patau's Syndrome is 82% for death within the first month. 5-10% sadly only make it to the first year. But sadly the worst part is that there is no cure for Patau's Syndrome. There is however a surgery that can cover some of the symptoms like extra fingers and toes. Did you know that this disorder was discovered as early as 1657. Another interesting fact is that the oldest person with patau's Syndrome lived up to 33. That's pretty old for an 82% chance of dieing in the first month. If you don't believe than you can just go to the site listed above. Goodbye and stay in touch for another one of Freezyman's extraordinary blogs.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Turners Syndrome: Are women in danger or not

What is Turners Syndrome? Turners Syndrome is a genetic disorder that makes an X chromosome in women absent or damaged. This disorder was discovered in 1938 by Dr. Henry Turner. That's why this disorder is named Turners Syndrome. How do you know if someone has Turners Syndrome? There are some ways to tell if you have it. These ways are short neck, short stature, lack of sexual development at puberty, heart defects, swollen hands and feet, wide neck, dry eyes, and drooping eyelids. This disorder is very rare and the mortality rate is 5 of 156, but if you do get it there are treatments. The only two treatments are growth hormones and estrogen replacement. This disorder is very rare because 1 out of 2500 women in the world get it. Well as you could guess from the title only women can get Turners Syndrome. If you want to know where I got this information go to
and http://

Turners Syndrome: Are women in danger or not