Thursday, May 21, 2009

Blue October

Last week I watched a movie called Blue October. Now before I talk about the features of this movie I would just like to say, this is the second best movie I've seen in three years. The first thing I'd like to say is this movie takes place in 1958 and in West Virginia. That is what makes this true story even cooler. Homer shows some amazing scientific stuff like rockets, and things on the pireatic table. Now not only is this pretty cool. It is also very good for that have certain traits. Some of these traits are cooparation, assertion, responsibility, respect, empathy, and integrity. The way Homer showed cooraparation is by building a rocket ship with his team of nerds. He also showed responsibility, respect, and integrity the same way as he did cooparation. He showed assertion by standing up to his dad for what he believed in which was building rocket ships. His father showed empathy because he thought that his son was crazy, and felt bad for his son Homer. That is the way Blue October showed many good traits, and how it was a very scientific movie.

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