Thursday, May 28, 2009


What is plasticity? Plasticity is what the mantle is. The mantle is the layer of the earth that the crust on top of. Plasticity allows the solid to become a liquid if there is no heat, and pressure. This can be made out of corn starch and water. If you want to you can also do is add food coloring. Then what you do is mix the ingredents, and then you have an example of the earth's mantle. This is what I did in school one day. The best part of this was sticking my hands in the mix, and when you clean off the mixture your hands feel so smooth. Any way back to the plasticity. When you stick your hands in the mixture you try to make a ball, and then you can see the solid turn into a liquid in less than a second. This is some thing that you should try at home because it is a lot of fun, and it's educational as well as easy to do. Well that's all for today and remember to stay tuned in for another one of my famous blogs. Bye-Bye.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Blue October

Last week I watched a movie called Blue October. Now before I talk about the features of this movie I would just like to say, this is the second best movie I've seen in three years. The first thing I'd like to say is this movie takes place in 1958 and in West Virginia. That is what makes this true story even cooler. Homer shows some amazing scientific stuff like rockets, and things on the pireatic table. Now not only is this pretty cool. It is also very good for that have certain traits. Some of these traits are cooparation, assertion, responsibility, respect, empathy, and integrity. The way Homer showed cooraparation is by building a rocket ship with his team of nerds. He also showed responsibility, respect, and integrity the same way as he did cooparation. He showed assertion by standing up to his dad for what he believed in which was building rocket ships. His father showed empathy because he thought that his son was crazy, and felt bad for his son Homer. That is the way Blue October showed many good traits, and how it was a very scientific movie.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Responce to Patau Syndrome Blog This is where I found out the genetic disorder that is Patau's Syndrome. If someone has this disorder they probably won't live to be two. With this disorder a fetes is created with an extra copy of chromosome 13. That means that instead of two copies there would be three. As well as just the extra chromosome there is pretty much everything wrong with them. You can probably imagine the mortality rate would be pretty high. Then you would be right because the mortality rate of Patau's Syndrome is 82% for death within the first month. 5-10% sadly only make it to the first year. But sadly the worst part is that there is no cure for Patau's Syndrome. There is however a surgery that can cover some of the symptoms like extra fingers and toes. Did you know that this disorder was discovered as early as 1657. Another interesting fact is that the oldest person with patau's Syndrome lived up to 33. That's pretty old for an 82% chance of dieing in the first month. If you don't believe than you can just go to the site listed above. Goodbye and stay in touch for another one of Freezyman's extraordinary blogs.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Turners Syndrome: Are women in danger or not

What is Turners Syndrome? Turners Syndrome is a genetic disorder that makes an X chromosome in women absent or damaged. This disorder was discovered in 1938 by Dr. Henry Turner. That's why this disorder is named Turners Syndrome. How do you know if someone has Turners Syndrome? There are some ways to tell if you have it. These ways are short neck, short stature, lack of sexual development at puberty, heart defects, swollen hands and feet, wide neck, dry eyes, and drooping eyelids. This disorder is very rare and the mortality rate is 5 of 156, but if you do get it there are treatments. The only two treatments are growth hormones and estrogen replacement. This disorder is very rare because 1 out of 2500 women in the world get it. Well as you could guess from the title only women can get Turners Syndrome. If you want to know where I got this information go to
and http://

Turners Syndrome: Are women in danger or not

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Newtons three laws of motion

Have you ever wondered why in space you can throw something, and it will going but on earth you throw something, and it hits the ground at some point in time?Well this is because of Sir Isaac Newton's three laws of motion. Newton's first law is "Every object in it's state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line well remain in it's current state unless it is effected by an exteral force." This force is mostly going to be gravity, and friction. Newton's second law of motion is "Force is equal to the change in momentum (mV) per change in time. For a constent mass, force equals mass times acceleration." F=m*a. This means that the force is determined by the speed, and the mass. Newton's third law of motion is "For every action there is an opposite reaction." This means if you are stepping off of a boat you might go to the left while the boat is going to the right. I for one find this to be fasinating because I never knew that if I jumped up the earth would move in , and make a dent while we both touch eachother at the same time. Thank you Miss R. for teaching me about Newton's three laws of motion. For more imformation please go to Stay tuned for another killer blog from Freezyman. Bye.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bomb hits tourists at bazaar in Cairo

On Sunday February 22 a bomb blew up during a well-known bazaar in medevil Cairo. Reporters say that this bomb killed a Frenchwoman, and wounded many, many more. They said at least 17 people, mostly tourists were killed or wounded. If you thought that one one bomb was a lot than you will never believe this. An hour after the first bomb police found a second one. Luckily, this was detonated, and nobody was hurt. All of the wound ed were quickly taken to a hospital. That Frencewoman that died had died from her wounds in the ICU. The bazaar was the Khan el-Khalili. Apparintly, this bazaar is always filled with tourists. Last time the Khan el-Khalili was disturbed by a bomb was in April 2005. This blast outside of a cafe scared the people inside of a Hussein mosque. Eleven Frence, Three Germen, and Four Egyptians were wounded. You should go on to if you thought that this was interesting. Stay tuned for another one of Freezyman 's killer blogs.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

And you thought steriods were weird

A research team from Massachusetts Institute of technology found one of the oldest fossils ever. Scientists researched this rock and found many streriods from 635 million years ago. Maybe even longer. These steriods were produced or created by sponges. Sponges are one of or the simplist milticellular organisms. Many are in a quandary about if the fossil was proof that the sponges and multicellular organisms lived 100 years before the Cambrain Explosion. They say that this discovery can tell us how the planets first ecosystem was and how the animals evolved through time.I think that this is fasinating that we can find out what our past was about and how it may even tell us about our future.For more information please go to Thank you and stay tuned for another killer blog from Freezyman.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Did you know that Gibbons P.C. was a fostering company? On january1, 2009 the New Jersey district court placed new rules to make New Jersey the "go to" state. These new rules are more varified than those of California, and Texas. This company is in New Wark, New Jersey. These are the rules. "Each claim of each patent in suit that is allegedly infringed including the applicable statutory subsections 35 of USC, 271 asserted." "The indintification of defedents" "Accused instumentality." " A chart idintifying where each limitation of each asserted claim is found in each" "Accused instumentality." " Whether the alleged infringement is literal or under thedoctrine of equivlents." " The priority date to which each asserted claim allegedly is entitled." " The basis for any willful infringement claims." For more information please go to Year=2009&EntryNo=9368. Thank you, and stay tuned for my next killer blog.

Friday, January 23, 2009

ULtraviolet rays

In science class we made posters on the Electromagnetic Spectrum. I was assigned to study ultraviolet rays. These rays or waves are used in many ways. They even come from the sun you can get a tan. One thing that they can do for you is Detect fake money. Another thing that they can do for you is help you get a tan. They even have special lamps which can be used to kill microbes and mosquito's. You can't see ultraviolet because like infrared it is the next color on the violet side of a rainbow. Even though we can't see this, we know that this exsists we know that some insects, for example, bumblebees can see this.Ultraviolet is divied into three regions. One is the neare ultraviolet. One is the far ultraviolet. One is the extreme ultraviolet.These regions were made because of their radiation. Near ultraviolet is the closest to the order of visable light. Far ultraviolet is the least explored, and is in between the near, and the extreme ultraviolet rays.Last is extreme, and this is the farthest away from the rainbow, and closest to x-rays.Please go to to learn more about these ultraviolet rays, and what they do.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

President Obama's Inauguration

As you all know Barrack Obama became president yesterday. He was the first African American and 44 person to become president of the United States of America.This was a maoment of history in the making. Although he was sent miilions of death letters he still chose to keep running for president. He proved that he could perservere though so much at one time. He went on to face John McCain in the race for presidency. After that the citizens waited a few months before they could vote for president.After all of the tallies Obama had won, and became the president elect.

Accuding to one article many different activities go on during this inauguration. People like to think of this moment as a new beginning. Those that didn't see this have missed a historic event. They also say that Obama has great speaking skills. This inauguration is proclaimed to be one to remember. Many also beleive that Obama will be able to finish his term. This inauguration took place next to the capital building. Also congress takes the president and vice president out to a beutiful lunch.

It was found out to be really expensive to buy just one ticket. Many that found out were in an outrage. It was proclaimed that "ticket brokers" were the ones responsible for this. Nobody even knows how 250,000 tickets were printed, and put into a sucure position or house. This is definetly a disturbing thought. Senator Dianne Feinstein is declaring that the people that sold those tickets should go to jail. We obviously know that some of theese tickets had no names on them which makes them illegal tickets. The inaugural committee is telling lawyers thatthis is illegal, and that we need to arrest those that sold the tickets.

I honestly think that this is molarcy. I mean how would beleive that this is even true. I think this is pretty cool but no one would beleive this.I really liked looking at the first article. I didn't like the second one though. This is great for the nation. I would have to say I liked Obama's speech.Thank you for reading this, and stat tuned for the next blog I give out.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mating Season: The best time of year

Scientists from Cornell college have discovered that Aedes Aegypti Mostquitos can change their vibrations to mate. These mostquitos are also the ones that can give you yellow fever or dengue fever. Many scientists are hoping that with this information they can control mosquito reproduction. Looking at mating signals can give us a way to see how sterile mosquitos do with ladies. Aquote from Ronald R. Hoy shows us his thoughts about mosquito reproduction. "We don't want to be releasing duds out there, we want to be releasing sterile studs." Did you know that female mosquitos normally mate once? With this information if a sterile mosquito mates with a female there will be no offspring. I honestly think that these scientists are trying to kill the mosquitosor make them extinted. That is just plain mean even though they are annoying.